About BevSense

BevSense is a 2-year-old company with an 18-year history that was started with a singular goal in mind: to produce the most accurate and powerful inline sensors in the beverage industry. BevSense measures ingredients directly using Mid-Infrared ATR sensor technology.

Among BevSense’s customers are industry leaders such as Coca-Cola, InBev, Carlsburg, Heineken, Pepsi, Labatt and many craft brewing bottlers.

A set of simple principles push us to be the very best:

  • Take Care of BevSense Customers: BevSense customers can rely on us to do what we say and to work tirelessly to understand their challenges and find lasting solutions. Additionally, BevSense’s expansive contact policy allows users to address their needs directly with BevSense engineering staff.
  • Always Innovate: Innovation is at the heart of what we do. We continually seek to improve BevSense designs and push the limits of what is possible in the inline sensor market. It’s why we’ve produced a series of industry firsts and how we’ve achieved the benchmark of purity with BevSense latest CO2 sensor.
  • BevSense Employees Are Family: Most of BevSense employees have been with the company since the beginning of there journey. We take pride in collaborating to develop some of the best products on the market and look forward to the customer relationships that follow.

BevSense Origins: VitalSensors

VitalSensors was started in 2002 by Bob O’Leary and 2 partners to address the limitations of inline test equipment available on the market at that time.

From 2007 – 2015, VitalSensors produced five generations of the VS3000, a three-parameter sensor, which measured Brix/Sugar, CO2, acid, and the Brix/Acid ratio or for beer ABV, Real Extract and CO2. VitalSensors continued to develop cutting-edge technology, offering more than the competition at a better price.

New Path Forward: BevSense

In 2018, 2 of the 3 VitalSensors founders retired, and VitalSensors closed its doors. Its remaining founder, Chief Technology Officer, Bob O’Leary incorporated BevSense while keeping true to BevSense values and retaining 100% of BevSense technical staff. Developing BevSense own new cutting-edge, proprietary technologies, BevSense continues to innovate and create new sensors for the growing BevSense product line.

We now produce 3 elegant, state-of-the-art designs:

  • The VS3000E: a four-parameter sensor measuring Brix/Sugar, CO2, Acid, and Alcohol
  • The VS3000ET: a four-parameter sensor with electronically stabilized temperature and the only sensor on the market capable of measuring multiple ingredients at the same time, including ABV, Acid, Sugar and CO2
  • The VS5000: a cost-effective yet powerful CO2 Purity Sensor that utilizes unique remote access and AI technology to measure CO2 purity in real time


Real-time Inline Sensors for Beverage Process Control and Management

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